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杜志云 教授

发布日期:2019-01-11    作者:     来源:     点击:

杜志云 联系方式 Email: zhiyundu@foxmail.com  



博彩平台制药工程系,广州市番禺区广州大学城外环西路100号, 510006



广东省药食两用天然资源综合利用工程技术研究中心 主任

广东工业大学天然药物与绿色化学研究所 副所长

广东省化妆品学会 理事长

国家食药同源产业科技创新联盟 理事

广东省毒理学会 常务理事                  

广东省药学会制药工程专业委员会 副主任委员

广东省药学会药物化学专业委员会 副主任委员


1.基于天然产物骨架和药物特征片段设计、合成新型ALR2抑制剂及抗炎作用研究,80万,国家自然科学基金委员会,2013-2016。21272043. (主持)结题(基金号:21272043)



4.广东省药食同源资源综合利用工程技术中心,100万, 广东省科技厅, 2015-2017(主持)在研(项目编号:2015KQNCX024)


6.“植物黄金”姜黄深加工及系列功能食品保健品开发, 100万, 广东省省部产学研重点项目, 广东省科技厅,2013-2016。(主持)结题




10.甲基环戊酮分离及下游产品开发(2011B090400573),20万,广东省省部产学研,2011-2013。(主持) 结题

11.新型二苯烯酮类醛糖还原酶抑制剂的合成及其抗炎机理(S20110100004967),3万元,广东省自然科学基金委,2012-2013。(主持) 结题


13.饮料工业安全控制关键技术研究与示范, 100万元,广东省科学技术厅,2009-2011。(参与)结题




17.基于ALR2具有多功能作用的姜黄素及类似物的设计、合成与机制的研究,15万,广东工业大学,2009-2012. (主持)  结题

18.应用纳米微球固定乙醇脱氢酶联用HPLC对多组分协同抑制作用的筛选(063026),2万,广东工业大学, 2006-2008。(主持)结题



21.G6PD/NADPH调控皮肤氧化还原新机理的研究及抗氧化活性物质开发,无限极(中国)有限公司,308万,项目编号:16HK0365, 2015-2018(本项目负责人主持)(主持)在研




25. NBCP产品功效可视化呈现3D仿真皮肤,22万,无限极(中国)有限公司,2014-2016(主持)结题

26. 基于天然有效成分的功能化妆品及保健品研发,200万,完美(中国)公司,2011-2017 (主持)结题

27. 产品技术咨询服务,100万,完美(中国)公司,2011-2013 (主持)结题

28. 氨基酸口服液杂质分析技术开发,5万,广东利泰制药股份有限公司,2013-2014,(主持)结题


30.皮肤及粘膜消毒杀菌系列产品开发,50万,广州一杰医药科技有限公司,2009-2014.(主持) 结题

31. 水基纳米粉散香精技术研发,10万,广州市坤豪日用品有限公司,2007-2008,(主持)结题

32.2015省级教改项目-研究生助教资源开发应用及系统运行有效性研究试点,5万,(主持)  结题                          


33.2014省级教改项目-“共赢”驱动下化工卓越计划“校企联合”人才培养模式实践与探索。2万 (主持)结题

34. 就业导向的个性发展需求与规模培养柔性对接的本科教学模式研究 0.7万,广东工业大学,2012-2014。(主持)结题

35. 就业导向与项目组织柔性对接的“3+1”模式实践教学改革的研究与实践探索, 3 万,广东工业大学本科质量工程重点项目,2010-2012。(主持) 结题

36. 就业导向与项目组织柔性对接的“3+1”模式实践教学改革的研究与实践探索,广东省教育厅教学成果培育,2011-2016。(主持)结题

37.培育英才-教学改革-配套经费,广东省教育厅教学成果培育,2014-2016。8万,(主持)结题                                                                                    38.化学反应工程,1.5万,广东工业大学,2014-2016(主持)结题


1.Min Chen, Yuan-yuan Chang, Shun Huang, Li-hang Xian, Wei Zhou, Lanyue Zhang,Chun Li, Ren-ping Zhou, Jian Tang, Li Lin, Zhi-yun Du* and Kun Zhang*. Aromatic-turmerone Attenuates LPS-Induced Neuroinflammation and Consequent Memory Impairment by Targeting TLR4-Dependent Signaling Pathway.Molecular nutrition & food research.2017 Aug 28. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201700281.  (通讯作者, IF=4.3229, 1区).

2.Lanyue Zhang, Zhiwen Yang, Jingwen Wei, Ping Su, Dingkang Chen, Wanyi Pan, Wei Zhou, Kun Zhang, Xi Zheng, Li Lin, Jian Tang and Zhiyun Du*. Contrastive analysis of chemical composition of essential oil from twelve Curcuma species distributed in China. Industrial Crops and Products, 108, 17-25. (通讯作者, IF=3.181, 1区).

3.Lanyue Zhang, Zhiwen Yang, Jingwen Wei, Ping Su, Wanyi Pan, Xi Zheng, Kun Zhang, Li Lin, Jian Tang, Yanxiong Fang and Zhiyun Du*. Essential oil composition and bioactivity variation in wild-growing populations of Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton collected from China. Industrial Crops and Products, 103, 274-282. (通讯作者, IF=3.181, 1区).

4.Lanyue Zhang, Zhiwen Yang, Feng Chen, Ping Su, Dingkang Chen, Wanyi Pan, Yanxiong Fang, Changzhi Dong, Xi Zheng and Zhiyun Du*.  Essential Oil Variation in Curcuma longa L. Collected from Twenty Locations in China. Industrial Crops and Products, 109, 60-73. (通讯作者, IF=3.181, 1区).

5.Ma YY, Zhao DG, Zhou AY, Zhang Y, Du Z*, Zhang K*..a-Glucosidase Inhibition and Antihyperglycemic Activity of Phenolics from the Flowers of Edgeworthia gardneri. J Agric Food Chem. 2015 Sep 4. (通讯作者, IF=3.154,1区)

6.Wenfeng Liu, Yonglian Li , Xi Zheng, Kun Zhang*, Zhiyun Du*. Potent inhibitory effect of silibinin from milk thistle on skin inflammation stimulby12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate [J]. Food & Function, 2015. (通讯作者, IF=3.247,1区)

7.Li PH,Jiang, H,Zhang, WJ, Li, YL Zhao MC,Zhou, W Zhang, LY Tang, YD Dong, CZ Huang, ZS Chen, HX,Du, ZY*Synthesis of Carbazole Derivatives Containing Chalcone Analogs as Non-intercalative Topoisomerase II Catalytic Inhibitors and Apoptosis Inducers.Eur. J. Med. Chem 2018 Feb 10. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2018.01.010. (通讯作者, IF=4.519, 2区).

8.Yue Y, Liu W, Zhou W, Min Chen, Boxin Huang, Lanyue Zhang, Zhenshi Wang, Yan He, Kun Zhang, Xi Zheng and  Zhiyun Du*. Synergistic inhibitory effects of naproxen in combination with magnolol on TPA-induced skin inflammation in mice[J]. Rsc Advances, 2016, 6(44):38092-38099. (通讯作者, IF=3.108, 2区)

9.Yang G, Jia Q, Chen L, Du Z*, Wang J*. ChemInform Abstract: Direct Access to Pyrimidines Through Organocatalytic Inverse-Electron-Demand Diels-Alder Reaction of Ketones with 1,3,5-Triazine.[J]. Rsc Advances, 2016, 47(6):76759-76763. (通讯作者, IF=3.108, 2区)

10.Yan He*, Zhiyun Du*, Shijing Ma, Yue Liu, Dongli Li, Huarong Huang, Sen Jiang, Shupeng Cheng, Wenjing Wu,  Kun Zhang, and Xi Zheng. Effects of green-synthesized silver nanoparticles on lung cancer cells in vitro and grown as xenograft tumors in vivo[J]. International journal of nanomedicine, 2016, 11: 1879. (通讯作者,IF=4.300, 2区)

11.Z Du, H Lv, Q Jia, Z Tang, X Zheng, K Zhang, F ZhaoGreen synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. extract and their application in clinical ultrasound gel Y He, International journal of nanomedicine 8, 1809. (IF=4.3, 2区)

12.Li P, Li Y, Jiang H, Xu Y, Liu X, Che B, Tang J, Liu G, Tang Y, Zhou W, Zhang L, Dong C, Chen H, Zhang K, Du Z*.Glabridin, an isoflavan from licorice root, ameliorates imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like inflammation of BALB/c mice. Int. Immunonpharmacol. 2018 Jun. 59,243-251. (通讯作者,IF=3.118, 3区)

13.Huang S, Han Y, Chen M, Hu K, Qi Y, Sun P, Wang M, Wu H, Li G, Wang Q, Du Z*, Zhang K, Zhao S, Zheng X. Radiosynthesis and biological evaluation of 18F-labeled 4-anilinoquinazoline derivative (18F-FEA-Erlotinib) as a potential EGFR PET agent. Bioorganic and Medicinal chemistry letters. 2018 Apr 1. 28(6): 1143-1148. (IF=2.442, 3区)

14.Yadong Tang, Boxin Huang, Yuqin Dong, Wenlong Wang, Xi Zheng, Wei Zhou, Kun Zhang & Zhiyun Du*. Three-dimensional prostate tumor model based on a hyaluronic acid-alginate hydrogel for evaluation of anti-cancer drug efficacy[J]. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2017 (just-accepted): 1-23. (通讯作者, IF=1.8999, 3区)

15.Zhao D G, Ma Y Y, Peng W, Zhou A, Zhang Y, Ding L,Du Z*&Zhang K*.Total synthesis and cytotoxic activities of longamide B, longamide B methyl ester, hanishin, and their analogues[J]. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 2016, 26(1): 6-8.(通讯作者, IF=2.4539, 3区)

16.Wenfeng Liu, Yonlian Li, Yuan Yue, Kun Zhang, Qian Chen, Huaqian Wang, Yujing Lu, Moutuan Huang, Xi Zheng, Zhiyun Du*. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Curcumin Derivatives Containing NSAIDs for Their Anti-inflammatory Activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters,2015 Aug 1;25(15):3044-51. (通讯作者,IF=2.454,3区)

17.Wenfeng Liu, Yonglian Li, Xi Zheng, Kun Zhang*& Zhiyun Du*. Chemoprevention Effects of Sulindac-Based Compound on TPA-induced skin inflammation in Mice. MedChemComm, 2015, 6, 1605 - 1611. (通讯作者, IF=2.608,3区)

18.Q Chen*, C Zhang, L Chen, C Wen, Z Du*, H Chen, K Zhang. α-Monoarylation and tandem arylation–insertion of malonates with arynes, Tetrahedron Letters 56 (16), 2094-2097. (通讯作者, IF=2.193,3区)

19.Yang G, Chen L, Wang J*, Jia Q, Wei J, Du Z*. Facile synthesis of pyrimidines via iminium catalyzed [4+2] reaction of α,β-unsaturated ketones with 1,3,5-triazines[J]. Tetrahedron Letters, 2015, 56(43):5889-5891. (通讯作者, IF=2.193, 3区)

20.He, Y., Yue, Y., Zheng, X., Zhang, K., Chen, S., & Du, Z*. Curcumin, inflammation, and chronic diseases: how are they linked?. Molecules, 2015, 20(5), 9183-9213.(通讯作者, IF=2.861, 3区)

21.H Wang, Z Du*, C Zhang, Z Tang, Y He, Q Zhang, J Zhao, X Zheng.Biological evaluation and 3D-QSAR studies of curcumin analogues as aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 inhibitors. International journal of molecular sciences 15 (5), 8795-8807 . (通讯作者,IF=3.226, 3区)

22. Chen, Q*., Zhang, C., Wen, C., Fang, J., Du, Z*., & Wu, D. (2014). Platinum-and gold-catalyzed hydroalkoxylation and tetramerization of propiolate esters. Catalysis Communications, 56, 101-105. (通讯作者, IF=3.33, 3区)

23. DY Zhou, N Ding, J Van Doren, XC Wei, ZY Du*, AH Conney, K Zhang, Effects of curcumin analogues for inhibiting human prostate cancer cells and the growth of human PC-3 prostatexenografts in immunodeficient mice. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 37 (6), 1029-1034 . (通讯作者, IF=1.683, 4区)

24. DY Zhou, N Ding, ZY Du*, XX Cui, H Wang, XC Wei, AH Conney, K Zhang*, .Curcumin analogues with high activity for inhibiting human prostate cancer cell growth and androgen receptor activation. Molecular medicine reports 10 (3), 1315-1322. (通讯作者,IF=1.692, 4区)

25.Yang G, Chen L, Wang J*, Jia Q, Wei J, Du Z*. Facile synthesis of pyrimidines via iminium catalyzed [4+2] reaction of α,β-unsaturated ketones with 1,3,5-triazines[J]. Tetrahedron Letters, 2015, 56(43):5889-5891. (通讯作者, IF=2.193, 3区)

26.Y Jiang, Z Du*, G Xue, Q Chen, Y Lu, X Zheng,Allan H. Conney and K  Zhang 1,*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of unsymmetrical curcumin analogues as tyrosinase inhibitors, AH Conney, K Zhang. Molecules 18 (4), 3948-3961 . (通讯作者, IF=2.861, 3区)

27.Chen D, Du Z*, Lin Z, Su P, Huang H, Ou Z, Pan W, Huang S, Zhang K, Zheng X, Lin L, Zhang L. The chemical compositions of Angelica pubescens oil and its prevention of UV-B radiation-induced cutaneous photoaging. Chemistry and Biodiversity. 2018 July 11. doi: 10.1002/cbdv.201800235. (IF=1.440, 4区)

28.Wang Z, Zhang L, Wan Z, He Y, Huang H, Xiang H, Wu X, Zhang K, Liu Y, Goodin S, Du Z*, Zheng X. Atorvastatin and Caffeine in Combination Regulates Apoptosis, Migration, Invasion and Tumorspheres of Prostate Cancer Cells. Pathol. Oncol. Res. 2018 May 24. doi: 10.1007/s 12253-018-0415-7. (通讯作者,IF=1.935, 4区)  

29.Lanyue Zhang, Zhiwen Yang, Zebin Huang, Mincong Zhao, PenghuiLi, WeiZhou, Kun Zhang, Xi Zheng, Li Lin, Jian Tang, Yanxiong Fang, and Zhiyun Du*. Variation in essential oil and bioactive compounds of Curcuma kwangsiensis collected from natural habitats. Chemistry and Biodiversity 14: e1700020. (通讯作者, IF=1.440, 4区).

30.Lanyue Zhang, Jingwen Wei, Zhiwen Yang, Feng Chen, Ping Su, Wanyi Pan, Kun Zhang, Xi Zheng and Zhiyun Du* (2017). Distribution and Diversity of Twelve Curcuma species in China. Natural Product Research.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2017.1350667 (通讯作者, IF=1.828 ,4区).                            

31.Lanyue Zhang, Zhiwen Yang, Dingkang Chen, Zebin Huang, Yongliang Li, Xinzi Lan, Ping Su, Wanyi Pan, Wei Zhou, Xi Zheng and Zhiyun Du*. Variation on composition and bioactivity of essential oils of four common Curcuma herbs. Chemistry and Biodiversity. DOI: 10.1002/cbdv.201700280 (通讯作者, IF=1.440 ,4区).

32.Zhao M, Zhang L, Yang Z, Wei J, Zhang K, Du Z*, Antioxidative Activities of Essential Oils and Ethanol Extrations from Ornamental Zingiberaceae Species.[J]. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 2017, 1:215-222.(通讯作者, IF=0.39, 4区)

33. Wang ZS, Huang HR, Zhang LY, Kim S, He Y, Li DL, Farischon C, Zhang K, Zheng X, Du ZY*, Goodin S. Mechanistic Study of Inhibitory Effects of Metformin and Atorvastatin in Combination on Prostate Cancer Cells in Vitro and in Vivo. Biol Pharm Bull. 2017;40(8):1247-1254. doi: 10.1248/bpb.b17-00077. (通讯作者, IF=1.683, 4区)

34. ZY Du, X Wei, MT Huang, X Zheng, Y Liu, AH Conney, K Zhang. Anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of curcumin analogue A2 Archives of pharmacal research . Archives of Pharmacal Research. 2013, 36 (10), 1204-1210. (IF=2.324, 4区)

35. Xingchuan Wei, Daiying Zhou, Huaqian Wang, Ning Ding, Xiao-Xing Cui, Hong Wang, Michael Verano, Allan H. Conney,  Xi Zheng, Zhiyun Du*.Effects of pyridine analogs of curcumin on growth, apoptosis and NF-κB activity in prostate cancer PC-3 cells. Anticancer research, 33(4), 1343-1350. (通讯作者, IF=1.937, 4区)

36. DY Zhou, K Zhang, AH Conney, N Ding, XX Cui, H Wang, M Verano,Su-qing Zhao,Yan-Xiong Fan, Xi Zheng, Zhi-Yun Du*,Synthesis and evaluation of curcumin-related compounds containing benzyl piperidone for their effects on human cancer cells. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 61 (11), 1149-1155 . (通讯作者, IF=1.133, 4区)

37.Chen ZF*, Wen HB, Dai X, Yan SC, Zhang H, Chen YY, Du Z, Liu G, Cai Z. Contamination and risk profiles of triclosan and triclocarban in sediments from a less urbanized region in China. J. Hazard Mater. 2018 Sep 5. 357, 376-383. (通讯作者,IF=6.434, 1区)

38.Huang G, Du Z, Yuan Z, Gu L, Cai Q, Yang X. Poly(L-lactide) nanocomposites containing poly(D-lactide) grafted nanohydroxyapatite with improved interfacial adhesion via stereocomplexation. J. Mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 2018 Feb. 78, 10-19. (IF=3.239, 2区)

39.Zhang L, Wei J, Yang Z, Chen F, Xian Q, Su P, Pan W, Zhang K, Zheng X, Du Z. Distribution and diversity of twelve Curcuma species in China. Natural product research. 2018 Feb. 32(3), 327-330. (IF=1.828,4区)

40.Li, PH  ; Zhang, WJ ; Jiang, H; Li, YL) ; Dong, CZ ; Chen, HX ; Zhang, K ;Du, ZY .Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of benzimidazole-rhodanine conjugates as potent topoisomerase II inhibitors.2018 Jul 1,MEDCHEMCOMM 9(7),1194-1205;(IF=2.342,3区)

41.Qianfa Jia, Zhiyun Du, Kun Zhang, Jian Wang *. [3+ 2] Cycloaddition of aza-oxyallyl cations with aldehydes[J]. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2017, 4(1): 91-94. (IF=4.955, 2区)

42. Dao P, Ye F, Liu Y, Du ZY, Zhang K, Dong CZ, Meunier B, Chen H.Development of Phenothiazine-Based Theranostic Compounds That Act Both as Inhibitors of -Amyloid Aggregation and as Imaging Probes for Amyloid Plaques in Alzheimer's Disease.ACS Chem Neurosci. 2017 Apr 19;8(4):798-806. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.6b00380 (IF=3.883, 2区).

43.Lin Yu, Xiaofeng Wu, Min Chen, Huarong Huang, Yan He, Huaqian Wang, Dongli Li, Zhiyun Du, Kun Zhang, Susan mGoodin, Xi Zheng*.The Effects and Mechanism of YK-4-279 in Combination with Docetaxel on Prostate Cancer[J]. International journal of medical sciences, 2017, 14(4): 356. (IF=2.3989, 3区)

44.He Y, Huang H, Farischon C.,. Dongli Li. Zhiyun Du,  Kun Zhang  Xi Zheng  Susan Goodin.Combined effects of atorvastatin and aspirin on growth and apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells[J]. Oncology reports, 2017, 37(2): 953-960. (IF=2.6619, 3区)

45. Lin W, Zheng X, Wang H,YU L, Zhou X, Du Z, Sun Y, Zhao S, Zhang K. Purification and characterization of a novel cell-penetrating carrier similar to cholera toxin chimeric protein.[J]. Protein Expr Purif, 2017, 129:128-134. (IF=1.3510, 4区)

46.Weiping Lin, Xi Zheng, Huaqian Wang, Lin Yu Xiaofen Zhou, Yunxiao Sun, Suqing Zhao, Zhiyun Du, Kun Zhang, . Purification and characterizatin oof a novel cell-penetrating carrier similar to cholera toxin chimeric protein[J]. Protein expression and purification, 2017, 129: 128-134. (IF=1.3509, 4区).

47.Yan He, Zhiyun Du, Shijing Ma, Shupeng Cheng, Sen Jiang, Yue Liu, Dongli Li, Huarong Huang, Kun Zhang, Xi Zheng. Biosynthesis, Antibacterial Activity and Anticancer Effects Against Prostate Cancer (PC-3) Cells of Silver Nanoparticles Using Dimocarpus Longan Lour. Peel Extract[J]. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2016, 11(1):1-10. (IF=2.833, 2区)

48.Li DL, Zheng X, Chen YC, Jiang S, Zhang Y, Zhang WM, Wang HQ, Du ZY, Zhang K. Terpenoid composition and the anticancer activity of Acanthopanax trifoliatus. Arch Pharm Res. 2016 Jan;39(1):51-8. doi: 10.1007/s12272-015-0655-y. Epub 2015 Sep 7.(IF=2.324, 3区)

49.Li W, Pung D, Su Z Y, Guo Y, Zhang C, Yang A, Zheng X, Du Z, Zhang K, Kong A. Epigenetics Reactivation of Nrf2 in Prostate TRAMP C1 Cells by Curcumin Analogue FN1[J]. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2016, 29(4):694.(IF=3.278, 2区)

50.Chen Q*, Zeng J, Yan X, Huang Y, Du Z, Zhang K, Wen C. Mild and efficient oxidation of phosphorus(III) compounds with Selectfluor[J]. Tetrahedron Letters, 2016, 47(46):3379-3381. (IF=2.193, 3区)

51.Chen X, Liu Y, Wu J, Huang H, Du Z, Zhang K, Zhou D, Hung K, Goodin S, Zheng X. Mechanistic Study of Inhibitory Effects of Atorvastatin and Docetaxel in Combination on Prostate Cancer[J]. Cancer Genomics & Proteomics, 2016, 13(2):151. (IF=1.892, 3区)

52. Xu XT, Mou XQ, Xi QM, Liu WT, Liu WF, Sheng ZJ, Zheng X, Zhang K, Du ZY, Zhao SQ, Wang SH.

Anti-inflammatory activity effect of 2-substituted-1,4,5,6-tetrahydrocyclopenta[b]pyrrole on TPA-induced skin inflammation in mice. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2016 Nov 1;26(21):5334-5339. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.09.034.

(IF=2.4539, 3区)

53.Zhou D, Zhao S, Du Z, Zheng X, Zhang K. Pyridine analogues of curcumin exhibit high activity for inhibiting CWR-22Rv1 human prostate cancer cell growth and androgen receptor activation.[J]. Oncology Letters, 2016, 11(6):4160. (IF=1.392, 4区)

54.Qiuyan Zhang, Dongli Li, Yue Liu, Hui Wang, Changyuan Zhang, Huarong Huang, Yan He, Xuan Chen, Zhiyun Du, Xi Zheng Potential anticancer activity of curcumin analogs containing sulfone on human cancer cells[J]. Archives of Biological Sciences, 2016, 68(1): 125-133.(IF=0.352,4区)

55.Jia, Q., Yang, G., Chen, L., Du, Z*., Wei, J., Zhong., Y, & Wang, J*. A Facile One‐Pot Metal‐Free Synthesis of 1,4‐Disubstituted 1,2,3‐Triazoles. European Journal of Organic Chemistry ,2015 , 46 (39) :3435-3440(通讯作者, IF=2.834, 3区)

56. Shao FY+, Du ZY+, Ma DL, Chen WB, Fu WY, Ruan BB, Rui W, Zhang JX, Wang S, Wong NS, Xiao H, Li MM, Liu X, Liu QY, Zhou XD, Yan HZ, Wang YF, Chen CY, Liu Z, Chen HY. B5, a thioredoxin reductase inhibitor, induces apoptosis in human cervical cancer cells by suppressing the thioredoxin system, disrupting mitochondrion-dependent pathways and triggering autophagy. Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 13;6(31):30939-56. doi: 10.18632.(并列第一作者,IF=5.168, 1区)

57. Lu YJ, Deng Q, Hu DP, Wang ZY, Huang BH, Du ZY, Fang YX, Wong WL, Zhang K, Chow CF. A molecular fluorescent dye for specific staining and imaging of RNA in live cells: a novel ligand integration from classical thiazole orange and styryl compounds.Chem Commun (Camb). (IF=6.319, 1区)  

58. Dongli Li, Zhiyun Du,Chengyue Li, Yue Liu, SuSan Goodin, Huarong Huang, Yan He, Yuan Zhang, Huaqian Wang, Xizheng, KunZhang*..Potent inhibitory effect of terpenoids from Acanthopanax trifoliatus on growth of PC-3 prostate cancer cells in vitro and in vivo is associated with suppression of NF-κB and STAT3 signalling[J]. Journal of Functional Foods, 2015, 15: 274-283. (IF=3.114, 2区)

59. W Li, Z Du, K Zhang, J Wang. Organocatalytic 1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of α, β-unsaturated ketones with azides through iminium catalysis. Green Chemistry 17 (2), 781-784. (IF=9.125, 2区)

60.Qian Chen*, Xinxing Yan, Zhiyun Du, Kun Zhang, and Chunxiao Wen.P-Arylation of Dialkyl Phosphites and Secondary Phosphine Oxides with Arynes.[J]. Cheminform, 2015, 47(20):276-281. (IF=4.22, 2区)

61. Liu, W., Chen, Q., Liang, J., Du, Z., Zhang, K., Zheng, X., & O’Doherty, G. A. (2015). Gold-and Silver-Catalyzed Glycosylation with Pyranone Glycosyl Donors: An Efficient and Diastereoselective Synthesis of α-Anomers.Synlett, 26(12), 1683-1686.(IF=2.151, 3区)

62.H Wang, D Li, Z Du, MT Huang, X Cui, Y Lu, C Li, SL Woo, AH Conney, 16.Kajia Cao, Saquib Malik, Qiuyan Zhang, Dongli Li, Richard Chang, Huaqian Wang, Weiping Lin, Jeremiah Van Doren, Kun Zhang, Zhiyun Du, Xi Zheng.Combination of Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Chinese ilicifolius vegetable (Acanthopanax trifoliatus (L) Merr) and its reference compounds,Food Science and Biotechnology 24 (3), 1131-1138. (IF=0.699, 4区)

63.12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate with diethyldithiocarbamate markedly inhibits pancreatic cancer cell growth in 3D culture and in immunodeficient mice[J]. International journal of molecular medicine, 2015, 35(6): 1617-1624. (IF=2.341, 4区)

64.W Li, Z Du, J Huang, Q Jia, K Zhang, J Wang. Direct access to 1, 2, 3-triazoles through organocatalytic 1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of allyl ketones with azides.Green Chemistry 16 (6), 3003-3006 . (IF=9.125, 1区)

65. L Wang, Z Du, S Peng, K Zhang, J WangPalladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Isatins with Alkynoates: Access to C-2 Olefination of Isatins.Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 356 (14-15), 2943-2947.(IF=5.646, 1区)

66. W Li, Q Jia, Z Du, K Zhang, J Wang. Amine‐Catalyzed Enantioselective 1, 3-Dipolar Cycloadditions of Aldehydes to C, N‐Cyclic Azomethine Imines. Chemistry-A European Journal 20 (16), 4559-4562 . (IF=5.317, 2区)

67. W Li, J Wei, Q Jia, Z Du, K Zhang, J Wang. Asymmetric Synthesis of Tetrahydroquinolines through a [3+ 2] Cycloaddition Controlled by Dienamine Catalysis. Chemistry-A European Journal. 20 (22), 6592-6596. (IF=5.317, 2区)

68. H Huang, Y He, XX Cui, S Goodin, H Wang, ZY Du, D Li, K Zhang, Potent Inhibitory Effect of δ-Tocopherol on Prostate Cancer Cells Cultured in Vitro and Grown As Xenograft Tumors in Vivo. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 62 (44), 10752-10758. (IF=4.529, 1区)

69. N Ding, XX Cui, Z Gao, H Huang, X Wei, Z Du, Y Lin, WJ Shih, AB Rabson, .A triple combination of atorvastatin, celecoxib and tipifarnib strongly inhibits pancreatic cancer cells and xenograft pancreatic tumors. International journal of oncology 44 (6), 2139-2145. (IF=3.079, 3区)

70.H Wang, XX Cui, S Goodin, N Ding, J Van Doren, Z Du, MT Huang, Y Liu, Inhibition of IL-6 expression in LNCaP prostate cancer cells by a combination of atorvastatin and celecoxib.Oncology reports 31 (2), 835-841. (IF=2.662, 3区)

71. JX Zheng, Y Zheng, H Zhi, Y Dai, NL Wang, YX Fang, ZY Du, K Zhang, γ-Lactone derivatives and terpenoids from Selaginella uncinata and their protective effect against anoxia. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 50 (2), 366-369 (IF=0.47, 3区)

72.W Li, Q Jia, Z Du, J Wang*. Direct access to triazole-olefins through catalytic cycloaddition of azides to unsaturated aldehydes. Chemical Communications 49 (86), 10187-10189 . (IF=6.319, 2区)

73.C Lu, Q Zhou, J Yan, Z Du, L Huang, X Li.A novel series of tacrine–selegiline hybrids with cholinesterase and monoamine oxidase inhibition activities for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. European journal of medicinal chemistry 62, 745-7536. (IF=4.519, 3区)

74.J Wei, P Wang, Q Jia, J Huang, Z Du, K Zhang, J Wang Advanced Materials Research 711, 73-784. Amine-Catalyzed Cascade Synthesis of 3,4-Diunsubstituted Coumarins.European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013 (21), 4499-4502. (IF=2.834, 3区)

75. Zhang, R. F., Zhang, R. R., Lu, Y. J., Du Z. Y., Fu, C. J., Tang, Z. K.,Y.Q,.Fang & Zhang, K.. In Advanced Materials Research (Vol. 711, pp. 73-78). Trans Tech Publications.

76.古曜豪,张文进,黎鹏辉,张焜,杜志云. 含α,β-烯酮片段的喹啉类化合物的合成及抗肿瘤活性[J]. 中国药物化学杂志,2018.

77.周继曾,张焜,张蓝月,冼啟秋,孙鹏珍,杜志云. 益智的地理分布及适生区预测[J]. 安徽农业科学,2018.

78.柏利霞, 张焜, 招敏聪, 杜志云*等. 姜黄素胡椒碱复配对拘束应激小鼠肝损伤的缓解作用[J]. 食品研究与开发, 2017。(通讯作者).

79.黎永良, 杜志云, 郑杰, 等. 基于分子对接虚拟筛选MEK1中药抑制活性成分[J].中国中药杂志, 2017, 42 (10): 1951-1956.

80.马诗经, 何燕, 黎永良, 杜志云*等. 姜黄硬糖的研制及其抗氧化活性研究[J].食品研究与开发, 2016, 37(22):92-96. (通讯作者)

81.柏利霞, 丁刘刚, 江森, 杜志云*等. 甜菜根生物活性及其产品应用研究进展[J].食品研究与开发, 2016, 37(23):212-216. (通讯作者)

82.苏博云, 王华倩, 杜志云*,等. 联合用药治疗前列腺癌的研究进展[J]. 医学综述, 2015, 21(6):999-1002.

83.周小芬, 王华倩, 王真史, 杜志云*等. 醛还原酶的原核表达、纯化及活性测定[J]. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2015, 34(3):628-634.

84.张元, 江森, 王真史, 杜志云等. 响应面优化法提取白簕总多酚及抗氧化研究[J]. 食品工业, 2015(11):118-122.

85.李晨悦, 李冬利, 张元, 杜志云等. 不同品种簕菜的总多酚含量及抗氧化活性比较[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2015, 41(10):125-129.

86.王辉, 贾乾发, 张昌源, 杜志云*等. 姜黄素衍生物对乙醛脱氢酶1的活性抑制及构象关系研究[J]. 计算机与应用化学, 2014, 31(3).

87.周代营, 杜志云, 郑希,等. 姜黄素的生物学活性研究进展[J]. 广东化工, 2013, 40(19):91-92.

88.肖业鹏, 方岩雄, 陈武渊, 杜志云等. 芳烃抽余油磺化工艺的研究[J]. 广东化工, 2013, 40(20):115-116.


1.张晓娣, 杜志云. 一种预防保健科用上臂固定装置. CN  108283747 A. 2018. 公开

2.陈惠雄, 鄢龙家, 张万正, 黎永刚, 杜志云. 一种吩噻嗪衍生物、其制备方法和应用. CN 108191789 A. 2018. 实审

3.梁烽, 汤亚东, 蓝兴梓, 杜志云等. 一种具有聚合物纤维的细胞培养板及其制备方法. CN 108118447 A. 2018. 实审

4.梁烽, 汤亚东, 蓝兴梓, 杜志云等. 一种具有微柱阵列的细胞培养板及其制备方法. CN 108285870 A. 2018. 实审

5.杜志云, 黎鹏辉, 招敏聪等. 一种喹啉衍生物的制备及其在抗炎中的应用: CN, CN 106588909 A[P].  2017. 实审                                                              

6.杜志云, 柏利霞, 黎永良, 赵俊峰, 文哲, 周渭, 张焜, 郑希, 陈惠雄, 董长治. 一种含天然NO源的果蔬饮料及其制备方法. CN 106261220 A实审

7.杜志云, 彭奕, 梁邱闯, 汤亚东, 周渭, 张蓝月, 郑希, 方岩雄. 一种酵母氧化应激代谢物在抗炎产品中的应用:CN 10221617 A. 实审

8.林丽, 谢玲娜, 郑希, 杜志云.  一种含姜黄油的免洗型去屑止痒护发素. CN 107007490 A.实审

9.林丽, 郑雅婷, 杜志云, 郑希. 一种黑色素转运抑制率的快速检测方法. CN 107688004 A. 实审

10.陈惠雄, 张万正, 杜志云等. 一种姜黄素衍生物及其制备方法与应用. CN 107473978 A. 实审

11.杜志云, 陈敏, 张琨, 周渭等. 芳姜黄酮的应用. CN 107349190 A . 在审-公开

12.杜志云, 黎鹏辉, 江宏, 张文进等. 一种咔唑衍生物、其制备方法及在抗肿瘤中的应用. CN 107698579 A . 实审

13.杜志云, 黎鹏辉, 江宏, 张文进等. 一种苯丙咪唑类衍生物、其制备方法及在抗肿瘤中的应用. CN  107698577 A.实审

14.杜志云, 黎永良, 黄博鑫, 林丽, 郑希, 周渭, 张蓝月, 张焜. 一种精准修复与护理面膜的制备方法: CN 105596222 A. 实审

15.杜志云, 刘文锋,郑希,月圆,张焜,董宇琴,张秋炎,陈迁,卢宇靖,王华倩. 一种含厚朴酚以及和厚朴酚类似物与羧酸类非甾体抗炎药酯化衍生物的制备方法与应用:, CN 105884614 A[P]. 2016. 实审

16. 黄华容, 郑希, 杜志云, 黄华容, 郑希, 杜志云, 张焜, 林卫萍, 吴晓凤, 王艳磊. 一种联合布雷非德菌素A的抗癌复方药物:, CN105456255A. 实审

17.吴晓凤,郑希,黄华容,杜志云,何燕,张焜,方岩雄,喻林,林卫萍. 一种组合物及其在抗肿瘤中的应用:, CN106075452A. 实审

18.董长治, 盛钊君, 张焜, 杜志云. 一种非肽类凋亡抑制蛋白拮抗剂及其合成方法与应用:, CN 105585583 . 授权

19.张焜, 李冬利, 杜志云, 郑希. 簕菜提取物抑制α-葡萄糖苷酶的应用:, CN104922173A. 实审

20.方岩雄, 杜志云, ,张海涛, 卢宇靖, 李宇辉, 谭伟, 张维刚. 一种芳烃抽余油磺酸或其盐及其制备方法和应用: CN, CN103724235A. 授权

21.郑希, 杜志云, 张焜, 苏博云, 王华倩, 艾伦·康尼, 卢宇靖, 赵肃清, 郑杰, 黄华容, 谭伟, 周丽华, 陈迁, 刘艳,郑俊霞, 丁金龙. 一种联合他汀类降胆固醇药与噻嗪类抗高血压药物的复方抗癌药物: CN, CN103494822A. 授权

22.卢宇靖, 张焜, 黄宝华, 杜志云, 庄子翀, 雷琳, 付成杰, 胡冬萍, 邓强, 王郑亚 常山碱衍生物及其在制备抗耐药.菌药物中的应用:, CN 103980251 A. 授权

23.杜志云, ,薛贵华,黎永良, 王婷, 关书杰, 张焜, 郑希, 苏博云, 贾乾发, 汪舰, 曾华强, 艾伦·康尼. 一种医用消毒超声凝胶组合物及其制备方法:, CN 102580124 B. 授权

24.杜志云, 何燕,马诗经,吕惠彬,梁学良,钟燕琼,刘美祺,张焜,李晨悦,郑希,艾伦·康尼. 一种姜黄素和沙棘组成的保健饮料及其制备方法:, CN103271393A[P]. 2013. 授权

25.马诗经, 杜志云, ,何燕, 吕惠彬, 梁学良, 钟燕琼, 刘美祺, 张焜, 李晨悦, 郑希, 艾伦·康尼. 一种姜黄素保健硬糖及其制备方法:, CN103229884A. 授权

26.张焜, 杜志云, 苏薄云, 等. Hair-care cosmetic containing acanthopanax trifoliatus extract:, CN 102949308 A. 授权

27.郑希, 杜志云, 艾伦.康尼, 张焜, 苏博云. 一种仿真三维细胞培养器及培养方法, CN 102399693 B. 授权

28.马诗经, 杜志云, 何燕,吕惠彬, 张焜, 李晨悦, 梁学良, 钟燕琼, 刘美祺, 郑希, 艾伦·康尼. 一种姜黄素保健颗粒剂及其制备方法:, CN103230422A. 授权

29.张焜, 杜志云, 李晨悦, 胡瑞连, 王辉, 卢宇靖, 王华倩, 郑俊霞, 黄华容, 方岩雄, 赵肃清, 郑希, 汪舰, 曾华强,艾伦·康尼 一种含簕菜乙醇提取物的肤用化妆品: CN, CN102961275A. 授权

30.张焜, 胡瑞连, 王华倩, 杜志云, 郑希, 李晨悦, 郑俊霞, 卢宇靖, 吴盼盼, 黄华容, 方岩雄, 赵肃清, 汪舰, 曾华强. 一种簕菜提取物及其制备方法和应用:, CN102920759A 授权

31.张焜, 胡瑞连, 江森, 杜志云, 郑希, 李晨悦, 王华倩, 郑俊霞, 卢宇靖, 吴盼盼, 黄华容, 方岩雄, 赵肃清. 一种簕菜凉茶饮料及其制备方法:, CN102919436A. 授权


√ 科技成果方面:




4.超微粉碎联合酶法破壁技术在功能性防脱乌发育发中药有效成分提取工艺的研究 省级科技鉴定『2007』 183号 (第四)

5.白云区人民政府2006-2007年度科学技术进步奖 广州市白云区人民政府(第三)

√ 教学成果








√ 指导学生获奖情况:

1. 2013年荣获第三届“国药工程杯”全国大学生制药工程设计竞赛一等奖;2012、2015年荣获“国药工程杯”全国大学生制药工程设计竞赛二等奖;2011年荣获“国药工程杯”全国大学生制药工程设计竞赛三等奖            







√ 个人荣誉:







7.荣获2007-2008 学毕业生就业工作先进个人





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